Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning Blog
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The death of a loved one, no matter the circumstances, is a sad event. In the wake of your loved one’s death, you may feel lost and confused as to the necessary next steps. This can make an already tragic time all the more painful. You may need legal assistance to get through the complex process of transferring your relative’s assets to his or her heirs. Our San Ramon elder law attorney at Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning outlines some important steps you should take following the death of a loved one below. Read more . . .
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
If you are considering your options for medical coverage in California, you may be looking at Medi-Cal and Covered California. In some cases, it may be in your best interests to talk with a Medi-Cal planning attorney before you start the process. Read more . . .
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The recent catastrophic fires in California and record flooding in Texas and Florida call attention to the importance of preserving our original documents. If your original will is destroyed by a natural disaster, it could have implications for your estate plan and your heirs. Our San Ramon, California wills and trusts attorneys at Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc., discuss how you can protect your original will and what could happen if it is lost or destroyed below. Read more . . .
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Every state creates and operates its own Medicaid program using state and federal funds. Medi-Cal is the California Medicaid program. If you live in California and you need health care, you may want to explore your options for Read more . . .
Friday, October 6, 2017
What estate planning topics should I discuss with my loved ones?Broaching the topic of estate planning can be difficult. Most of us are loathe to discuss death or finances, two of the primary concerns of an estate plan. Even though it can be tough, it is vital that you set aside the time to have an informed conversation with your family about your estate plan. After all, far more important than finances are your family relationships. Our Read more . . .
Sunday, October 1, 2017
The elderly are particularly vulnerable to multiple types of abuse, including financial abuse. Many aging Americans are socially isolated, which makes them prime targets for con artists. As despicable as it sounds, sometimes the very people the courts appoint to protect seniors are the ones who exploit them. If your loved one has a court-appointed fiduciary to handle her financial matters, you need to know Read more . . .
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Eight percent of the total veteran population of the United States lives in California. 1.8 million American veterans make California their home. When you add in their families, this is a massive number of people who have served their country. If you or a family member is a veteran living in California, you need to know Read more . . .
Friday, September 15, 2017
How can I plan for the expenses I may incur as I age?With ever increasing medical advancements, people today are living far longer than our ancestors. Since just the 1970’s, life spans have increased more than a decade. While living longer is surely a blessing, it can come at high financial costs. It is believed that by 2022 there will be at least 4.3 million seniors living in poverty or near poverty. Read more . . .
Monday, September 11, 2017
Aging parents may resist help out of a need to feel capable and independent. It is hard to accept that you need assistance. When seniors will not reach out for or accept offered help when needed, they can end up in a crisis. If you are caring for an aging parent, here Read more . . .
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
A horrific story hits the news. An aging Californian has been the victim of abuse, either at home or in a nursing home. Your stomach turns. You have elderly loved ones. How can you know if someone is abusing them? You need information to help you in Read more . . .
Friday, August 18, 2017
Americans have used “offshore” or foreign asset protection trusts for decades as a vehicle to shield their wealth from creditors. Courts have invalidated offshore APTs by applying American law to these assets. Read more . . .